This is a game-for-science initiative, where players can solve or submit riddles. Riddles have a specific format: they present two words, along with randomly chosen sentences. One of these words has been blanked out. The other actually never occurs in any of the sentences.
"Crackers" have to guess correctly which of the two words has been blanked out. You can also contribute by creating your own riddles! "Blankers" can submit word pairs, which we will then present to other players. You can start playing by clicking on the banner at the bottom of the Home page, or directly by clicking on the associated scores in the navigation bar.
You can either play on your own, or add friends through your profile. Riddles from your friends will be presented first.
You can also set a difficulty level through your profile, which will change the number of random sentences you see as a cracker. Difficulty level impacts the way scores are computed: blankers get more points from crackers playing in easy mode, whereas crackers get higher scores by playing in hard mode.
How high can you score? For starters, you need to sign in or sign up to create an account!